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Rendezvényfotózás, rendezvényfotós, Tamás Pál, események, rendezvények, gálaestek, előadások, csapatépítők fotózása

There is a lot of work behind even the smallest event. Real teamwork!

It's great to see colleagues form a community, whether it's a conference, team-building training or an elegant gala evening. I like it when I become a team member through my work. This is when the best pictures are taken.

If reliability, good communication and a creative vision are all important to you, I'm sure you'll be satisfied with my work.

Let's work together »

More than 15 years in photography

I didn't have an unsatisfied customer even after all these years, which is due to the exact observance of the deadlines and the completion of the work entrusted to me with all my heart.

Depending on the nature of the event, I am available to you together with my team , with on-site photo printing, image editing, photo corner and greenbox background installation. After post-processing, all of the completed images will be transferred in the shortest possible time, in their original size, with full usage rights in an online web gallery, through which the event photos can be shared even with the participants.

Let's work together »
Rendezvényfotózás, rendezvényfotós, Tamás Pál, események, rendezvények, gálaestek, előadások, csapatépítők fotózása